We provide a number of highly valuable and proven services that guide couples define success in their relationship and understand what they uniquely bring to their partnership so they may act with confidence, each and every day, to live a relationship of intimacy, romance and passion and to Love from Strength™…
One-on-One Couples Coaching
Couples coaching sessions designed for couples who desire to discover the power and fulfillment that comes when you Love from Strength™. Designed to take your lives, relationship, and yourself, to the next level of joy and fulfillment, our one-on-one coaching will guide you get more of what you want and need in your relationship and take your connection, intimacy, romance and passion to the next level, no matter where your relationship is today. Find out more.
Seminars and Workshops
We provide a number of seminars and workshops that challenge you to discover your authentic self, find your unique needs, and build a plan to LIVE the relationship of your dreams. To see our current list of seminars and workshops, click here. We can also customize a special program for your group or organization; click here for more information.
High Impact Speaking Engagements
Wayne Ottum, creator of the Love from Strength™ methodology and author of Live from Strength and co-author of Create Intimacy… in as little as 8 seconds a day!, is a gifted and dynamic motivational speaker. Wayne speaks with passion on a number of personal, business and relationship growth topics ranging from: Creating Greater Intimacy… in as Little as 8 Seconds a Day for committed couples, to Leading from Strength for organizations and leaders, to Living in Alignment with your Authentic Self for personal growth. Your group or organization will benefit from his inspirational, powerful and interactive discussions! Wayne Ottum can customize an exciting program for your group or organization that provides real value with powerful, measurable results. Click here to request additional information.
Ready for Your Next Level of Relationship Success?
Ready to reach greater relationship success when you Love from Strength™? Get started today with a free, no obligation 60-minute consultation. Discover TODAY the extraordinary relationship that is yours when you Love from Strength.™ Contact us NOW. You will be glad you did!
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